Experience Relaxation: Discover the Kava Boulevardier – A Unique Twist on a Classic Cocktail

Experience Relaxation: Discover the Kava Boulevardier – A Unique Twist on a Classic Cocktail

Welcome to KavaKist! We’re here to make kava a favorite drink for everyone. Kava is an old root that helps you relax, and we mix it with fun, modern flavors. Today, let’s learn about the Kava Boulevardier. If you like classic cocktails and trying new flavors, you’ll love this drink.

The Classic Boulevardier Cocktail

The Boulevardier cocktail is a well-loved drink that has been around since the 1920s. It started in Paris with a magazine called "Boulevardier" that was popular among socialites. The Boulevardier usually has three main ingredients:

  • Bourbon or rye whiskey
  • Sweet vermouth
  • Campari

This mix is smooth and rich, balancing bitter and sweet flavors perfectly.

What is Kava and How Does It Make the Boulevardier Better?

Before we talk about our twist on the drink, let’s learn about kava. Kava comes from the Pacific Islands and has been used there for a long time. People drink it to feel calm and relaxed.

Kava has different forms:

  • Powder: Great for traditional drinks.
  • Beverages: Ready to drink anytime.
  • Capsules: Easy to take with you.

The Idea Behind the Kava Boulevardier

Matt Warren, co-founder of Psychedelic Water, loves to try new things. He started mixing kava with cocktails to merge the old with the new. That’s how the Kava Boulevardier was created, combining classic cocktail ingredients with the calming effects of kava.

How to Make a Perfect Kava Boulevardier

Want to make your own Kava Boulevardier? Here’s what you need to do.

Ingredients Needed for a Kava Boulevardier:

  • Kava infusion or kava extract
  • Whiskey (or a non-alcoholic substitute)
  • Sweet vermouth
  • Campari
  • Ice
  • Garnish (orange twist or cherry)

Step-by-Step Preparation:

  1. Prepare Kava Infusion: If using kava powder, mix it with water and strain.
  2. Mix Ingredients: In a shaker, add kava infusion, whiskey, sweet vermouth, and Campari. Add ice.
  3. Shake and Strain: Shake well and pour into a chilled glass.
  4. Garnish and Serve: Add an orange twist or a cherry. Your Kava Boulevardier is ready!

Suggested Variations:

  • Non-Alcoholic Version: Use a non-alcoholic spirit instead of whiskey.
  • Different Kava Types: Try different kava strains for new flavors.

What a Kava Boulevardier Tastes Like

Let’s talk about what a Kava Boulevardier is like.

Matt Warren’s Story:

The first time Matt tried the Kava Boulevardier, he loved it. He enjoyed the mix of classic cocktail flavors with the earthy taste of kava. It quickly became his favorite drink for relaxing after a busy day.

Flavor Profile:

The Kava Boulevardier has a mix of bitter and sweet flavors, with an earthy taste from the kava. It’s both complex and delicious.

Effects After Drinking:

You will feel calm and relaxed, making it great for social events or unwinding alone.

Health Benefits and Myths about Kava

Kava has many benefits, especially for relaxation:

  • Stress Relief: One of the best-known benefits of kava.
  • Enhanced Social Interaction: Its calming effects make socializing easier.

Don’t worry about liver issues. New studies show kava is safe when used responsibly.

The Community and Culture Around the Kava Boulevardier

The Kava Boulevardier is popular at KavaKist events. People love this new drink that mixes old traditions with modern fun.

Conclusion: Try the Kava Boulevardier Today

The Kava Boulevardier is more than just a drink. It’s a mix of cultures creating something special. Why not make one at home? Enjoy making and tasting this unique twist on a classic cocktail. Try other kava recipes on KavaKist, too!

Call to Action

Ready to start your kava journey? Check out our recommended kava products and kits here. Subscribe to the KavaKist newsletter here for updates, recipes, and exciting news. Cheers to new experiences!


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