Warm Up with Kava Bourbon Hot Toddy: The Ultimate Cozy Drink for Cold Nights

Warm Up with Kava Bourbon Hot Toddy: The Ultimate Cozy Drink for Cold Nights

When it gets cold outside, you might want something warm to drink. Instead of hot cocoa or mulled wine, try a Kava Bourbon Hot Toddy. This drink not only warms you up but can also help you relax and feel less stressed. It combines the calming effects of kava with the cozy taste of bourbon, making it a perfect drink for chilly nights.

Matt Warren, who helps run the kava drink brand Psychedelic Water, found this recipe on a cold winter night. He mixed his favorite bourbon with a kava drink he had just made. The result? A warm, soothing drink that became his favorite winter treat.

What is a Hot Toddy?

A Hot Toddy is a warm drink that people often enjoy when it’s cold. It usually mixes hot water, whiskey, honey, and lemon. This drink started in Scotland and is loved for its warm, comforting taste. Sometimes, people drink Hot Toddies to feel better when they have a cold.

Ingredients for the Kava Bourbon Hot Toddy

Here’s what you’ll need to make this yummy drink:

  1. Kava root powder or Kava extract
  2. Bourbon or any whiskey you like
  3. Honey or maple syrup
  4. Fresh lemon juice
  5. Hot water
  6. Optional: Cinnamon stick, cloves, and star anise

Why Each Ingredient is Good for You

  • Kava: Helps you relax and feel less stressed.
  • Bourbon: Adds warmth and a rich taste.
  • Honey or Maple Syrup: Makes the drink sweet and soothing.
  • Lemon Juice: Adds a fresh taste and vitamin C.
  • Hot Water: Mixes everything together nicely.
  • Spices (optional): Add extra flavors and nice smells.

How to Make the Kava Bourbon Hot Toddy

Follow these easy steps to make your own Kava Bourbon Hot Toddy:

Getting the Kava Ready

Mix your kava root powder or kava extract with hot water. Stir well to make sure it’s fully dissolved. Let it sit for a bit to settle.

Mixing with Hot Water

Pour the prepared kava into your favorite mug and add more hot water if needed to make it the strength you like.

Adding Bourbon and Other Ingredients

Add a shot of bourbon (or more if you prefer). Stir in a tablespoon of honey or maple syrup and a little fresh lemon juice.

Stirring and Letting it Steep

Stir everything well. If you want, add a cinnamon stick, cloves, or star anise, and let the drink sit for 3-5 minutes to soak up the flavors.


  • Use good quality ingredients for the best taste.
  • Adjust the sweetness and strength to your liking.
  • Let the spices sit longer if you want a stronger flavor.

Health Benefits of Kava Bourbon Hot Toddy

This drink is great because it combines relaxing kava with the comfort of a hot toddy:

  • Stress Relief and Relaxation: Kava helps you feel calm and less anxious.
  • Warming and Soothing: The hot water, honey, and lemon make this drink perfect for a cozy night at home.
  • A New Warm Drink Option: Perfect if you want to try something other than your usual hot drinks.

Cultural Insights on Kava

People in Pacific cultures have used kava for years, often during ceremonies to help people relax and bond. Mixing traditional kava with modern drink ideas brings a fresh way to enjoy this old favorite.

Personal Story: Matt Warren’s Experience

Matt Warren shares his first time trying the Kava Bourbon Hot Toddy:

"One super cold night, I couldn’t choose between my kava and bourbon. So, I combined them. The warm bourbon and calming kava made a perfect drink. Now, it’s my favorite way to unwind after a long day."

Matt loves trying new drink ideas and wanted something that helps him relax. Now, this drink is a regular part of his winter routine.

Community Stories

Our KavaKist community has lots of creative people who love kava in different ways. Here are some of their stories:

  • Jane from Portland adds chai tea to her Kava Bourbon Hot Toddy for more spice.
  • Alex from New York sometimes uses rum instead of bourbon for a tropical twist.


The Kava Bourbon Hot Toddy is more than just a drink; it’s a cozy experience. It combines the relaxing effects of kava with the warm taste of bourbon, making it perfect for cold nights. So gather your ingredients and make your own Kava Bourbon Hot Toddy. You might just find your new favorite winter drink.

Call to Action

  • Check out KavaKist’s kava products.
  • Subscribe to KavaKist’s newsletter for more fun recipes and updates.
  • Share your Kava Bourbon Hot Toddy experience on social media using KavaKist’s handles.

Additional Resources

  • Kava Basics
  • Try these other kava-based recipes.
  • Join us at upcoming KavaKist events or meetups for kava lovers.

Enjoy your Kava Bourbon Hot Toddy and feel the warmth and relaxation!


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