Transforming Workplace Wellness: Kava at CrossAmerica Partners LLP

Transforming Workplace Wellness: Kava at CrossAmerica Partners LLP

Title: "Kava at CrossAmerica Partners LLP: Changing How We Work"


At KavaKist, we want everyone to know about kava, a calming drink that helps people relax and feel more social. Today, we’re telling a cool story about how kava is now part of the work culture at CrossAmerica Partners LLP, a big company in the industry. It might seem strange at first, but kava and the corporate world have come together, and it’s making a big difference.

The Company’s Background

About CrossAmerica Partners LLP

CrossAmerica Partners LLP is a major company in the fuel distribution and convenience store industry. It’s a busy place with lots of pressure. Workers there often face tight deadlines and high expectations, which can be really stressful.

Traditional Workplaces

In most big companies, the focus is on getting a lot done, following strict rules, and staying ahead of everyone else. People often rely on coffee, energy drinks, and sometimes stress management programs to keep going. But what if a company tries something new?

Finding Out About Kava

The Beginning

The kava story at CrossAmerica started by chance. At a wellness seminar, an employee named Jenna talked about her experience with kava. Jenna is known for her creative ideas and loves finding new ways to stay healthy. Her story got everyone interested.

“Kava makes you calm and focused without the jitters from coffee or energy drinks,” says Matt Warren, who co-founded Psychedelic Water. Hearing this, the company leaders decided to try kava with some teams, starting with the marketing department, which is pretty stressful.

Bringing Kava to CrossAmerica

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Small Group Trial: They started with a small group in the marketing team. At first, people were unsure but soon got curious.
  2. Getting Feedback and Making Changes: The feedback was great. People felt more relaxed and focused. They added some learning materials about kava’s benefits.
  3. Expanding to Everyone: With the success of the trial, kava was made available company-wide. They stocked the break room with kava products and held info sessions.

How Employees Felt

"At first, I didn’t know what to think about this ‘kava’ stuff," says Emily, a senior marketing analyst. "But after a week, I felt less stressed and could focus better."

Benefits of Kava at Work

Positive Changes

After introducing kava, many good things happened at CrossAmerica:

  1. Better Focus and Productivity: People felt clearer and got more done.
  2. Less Stress: Kava helped manage stress better than coffee or energy drinks.
  3. Stronger Team Bonds: Sharing kava breaks made teams feel closer and work better together.

Surveys and Comments

Surveys showed:

  • 75% felt better at handling stress.
  • 60% had better focus and productivity.
  • 80% thought kava breaks improved team spirit.

"Switching to kava has been great for our productivity and overall office vibe," says Lisa, HR Director at CrossAmerica. "It’s amazing to see the positive change."

Kava vs. Traditional Drinks

Comparing with Coffee and Energy Drinks

  • Coffee: Quick energy but can cause jitters and crashes.
  • Energy Drinks: Lots of sugar and can lead to health issues.
  • Kava: Naturally calms and focuses without bad side effects.


While kava has many benefits, some things to consider are:

  • Learning: People need to understand what kava is.
  • Taste: Some might not like kava’s earthy flavor, but flavored options can help.

Handling Concerns

Common Worries

Introducing something new like kava might make people worry about:

  • How Well It Works: Some may wonder if kava is as effective as caffeine.
  • Safety: It’s important to ensure kava is safe.

Expert Views

Experts say that when used responsibly, kava is a safe and effective alternative to traditional stimulants.

"Kava is great for managing stress without feeling sleepy," says Dr. Alex Smith, a wellness consultant. "Its benefits are proven and it’s a good addition to wellness programs."

Introducing Kava at Your Workplace

Steps to Start

If you want to bring kava to your company, here’s what to do:

  1. Research Kava: Learn about its effects and benefits.
  2. Find a Good Supplier: Make sure the kava is quality and reliable.
  3. Start with a Small Group: Let a small team try it first.
  4. Get Feedback: Listen to what the team thinks.
  5. Make Changes: Adjust based on feedback.
  6. Expand Slowly: Slowly let more people join in.
  7. Provide Info: Teach employees about kava.
  8. Set a Kava Break Time: Create regular kava breaks.
  9. Watch the Impact: Keep an eye on productivity and morale.
  10. Keep Improving: Continuously improve the process.

Tips for Smooth Transition

  • Hold info sessions about kava.
  • Offer different kava products.
  • Be open to feedback.


Seeing kava become part of CrossAmerica Partners LLP shows its potential in modern offices. It helps reduce stress, boosts productivity, and builds stronger teams.

We encourage other companies to try kava too. Inspired by CrossAmerica’s journey, take the first step towards a calmer, more productive workplace today.

Additional Resources

Community Interaction

We want to hear from you! Leave a comment or share your own stories about kava at work. Stay tuned for our events and webinars on kava’s benefits in offices.

Potential Lists:

Benefits of Kava in the Workplace:

  1. Better focus.
  2. Stress relief.
  3. Happier mood.
  4. Team bonding.
  5. Less dependence on caffeine.
  6. Healthy alternative to energy drinks.
  7. Easier social interactions.
  8. Natural relaxation.
  9. Clearer thinking.
  10. Boosted morale.

Steps to Introduce Kava in a Corporate Office:

  1. Research kava and its benefits.
  2. Select a reputable kava supplier.
  3. Start with a small pilot group.
  4. Collect feedback from participants.
  5. Make necessary adjustments.
  6. Implement for a larger group.
  7. Provide educational resources.
  8. Establish a kava ritual or break time.
  9. Monitor the impact on productivity and morale.
  10. Regularly gather and act on feedback.

With KavaKist’s mission, let’s bring kava to new places, even corporate offices!


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