Discover the Perfect Blend: Kava with Ackee for a Deliciously Relaxing Experience

Discover the Perfect Blend: Kava with Ackee for a Deliciously Relaxing Experience


Hi there! Welcome to KavaKist, where we love everything about kava! Our goal is to introduce more people to kava and show new fun ways to enjoy it. Today, we’re excited to tell you about a special mix that’s getting really popular—kava with ackee.

Meet Matt Warren, one of the founders of Psychedelic Water. Matt loves kava and has found it really helpful in his life. His love for trying new things led him to combine kava, a relaxing drink from the South Pacific, with ackee, a yummy fruit from the Caribbean.

What is Kava?

Kava is a drink from the South Pacific islands like Fiji, Vanuatu, and Tonga. It’s made from the root of the kava plant and has been enjoyed for hundreds of years in special ceremonies and gatherings. Kava helps people relax and feel less stressed without making them feel sleepy or fuzzy-minded.

Some people think kava can hurt your liver, but that’s not true. When you drink kava responsibly, it’s safe and can be a great way to relax naturally.

What is Ackee?

Ackee is a fruit that comes from West Africa, but it’s a big part of Caribbean food, especially in Jamaica. It looks and feels a bit like scrambled eggs and has a soft, buttery taste.

Ackee is also healthy! It’s full of Vitamin C, fiber, and good fats. When Matt Warren discovered ackee while traveling, he loved it right away. He found that its creamy texture and mild taste went perfectly with kava’s earthy flavor.

Kava and Ackee Together

Kava and ackee have never been mixed before, but Matt Warren decided to give it a try. The result was a drink that’s both calming and delicious. This unique combination helps you relax and enjoy a tasty, refreshing flavor.

How to Make Kava with Ackee

Want to make this awesome drink at home? Here’s how you can do it.


  • 2 tablespoons of kava root powder
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 ripe ackee (fresh or good quality canned)
  • 1-2 teaspoons of honey (optional for sweetness)
  • Ice cubes (optional)


  1. Make the Kava:

    • Mix 2 tablespoons of kava root powder with 1 cup of water.
    • Knead the kava in the water for about 10 minutes, then strain the mixture to remove any bits.
  2. Prepare the Ackee:

    • If you’re using fresh ackee, cook it until it’s soft. If you’re using canned ackee, drain and rinse it.
    • Blend the ackee until it’s smooth. Add honey if you like it sweeter.
  3. Mix and Serve:

    • Combine the strained kava with the blended ackee.
    • Stir well and pour the mixture over ice cubes if you like.


  • Get good quality kava from trusted vendors for the best experience.
  • Fresh ackee is great, but canned ackee works too, as long as it’s a trusted brand.
  • Matt Warren’s tip: "Play around with the amounts of kava and ackee to find the mix that tastes best to you."

What People Are Saying

Our KavaKist community loves the kava and ackee mix. Here’s what some people have to say:

  • Sarah from California: "I wasn’t sure at first, but the creamy ackee and kava together are amazing. It’s my favorite drink after a long day."
  • Alex from New York: "A friend told me to try kava with ackee, and it’s so relaxing and tasty. I love it!"

Where to Buy Kava and Ackee

Good ingredients make the best kava and ackee drink. Here are our top picks:

  • For Kava: Buy from places that specialize in South Pacific kava, like KavaKist’s premium kava root powder.
  • For Ackee: Caribbean markets often have fresh ackee. You can also find canned ackee from good brands online or in specialty stores.

Visit KavaKist’s online store for the best kava and ackee products we’ve picked for you.


Mixing kava with ackee isn’t just a fun idea—it’s a delicious and relaxing experience. We hope you give it a try and share your thoughts with the KavaKist community. For more cool kava recipes and tips, subscribe to KavaKist. Your next favorite drink is waiting!


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