Embrace the Kava Craze in Bogotá: Your Guide to Relaxation in the Colombian Capital

Embrace the Kava Craze in Bogotá: Your Guide to Relaxation in the Colombian Capital


Kava in Bogotá, also called kava kava, comes from the Pacific Islands and is famous for its calming effects. It’s a great alternative to alcohol and helps people relax without getting a hangover. Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, is known for its rich culture, history, and exciting nightlife. Recently, kava has become popular here, fitting right into the city’s diverse culture.

In this post, we will look at how kava is becoming a big hit in Bogotá and how it’s changing the social scene.

Kava Basics

What is Kava?

Kava in Bogotá comes from the Pacific Islands, like Fiji, Tonga, and Vanuatu. It’s made from the kava plant‘s roots, which are ground and mixed with water to create a drink that’s used in social and ceremonial events. Now, this tradition has found a new place in Bogotá, helping people connect and relax.

Benefits of Kava

Kava has many benefits that make it an appealing way to relax:

  • Natural Relaxation: Kava helps calm the mind and body.
  • Anxiety and Stress Relief: Some people use kava to reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Enhanced Social Interactions: Kava is often enjoyed in group settings, promoting social bonding without the negative effects of alcohol.

The Bogotá Kava Scene

Emergence of Kava Bars

Kava bars are popping up all over Bogotá and are becoming popular spots for both locals and tourists. These places offer a relaxed atmosphere where people can enjoy kava comfortably. Some of the first kava bars in Bogotá were started by expats and locals who loved kava’s benefits.

You can find some famous kava bars in neighborhoods like:

  • La Candelaria: Known for its old buildings and artistic vibe, it’s the historic heart of Bogotá.
  • Chapinero: A trendy area full of nightlife and good food spots.
  • Zona T: A fancy area known for its high-end bars and restaurants.

Kava in Local Cafés and Restaurants

Besides kava bars, many local cafés and restaurants are adding kava to their menus. In Bogotá, you can enjoy kava mixed with traditional Colombian drinks like coffee and aguapanela, creating unique fusion beverages.

A Story: Matt Warren’s Bogotá Kava Experience

Matt Warren, a co-founder of Psychedelic Water, shares his experience with Bogotá’s kava scene. When he first arrived in Bogotá, Matt wanted to see how locals enjoyed kava. He remembers finding a cozy kava bar in the lively streets of La Candelaria.

"Walking into that kava bar felt like entering a calm place," Matt says. "Soft music, friendly chats, and the relaxed vibe made it special. I had a cup of kava, and by the end of the night, I had new friends and felt really relaxed."

Matt noticed that the kava community in Bogotá was welcoming and focused on social bonding. "Kava seemed to bring people together," he added.

Cultural Integration

How Kava Fits into Bogotá’s Culture

Kava has fit smoothly into Bogotá’s diverse culture, often compared to traditional Colombian drinks like coffee and aguapanela. Coffee is a daytime favorite in Colombia, but kava is becoming a nighttime alternative for relaxation.

Fusion and Innovation

Bogotá’s residents love to innovate, and it shows in their creative use of kava. You can find kava-infused cocktails or kava mixed with aguapanela. Some kava bars even work with local artists and musicians to host events with live music and art, offering a rich cultural experience.

Why Kava is Great for Bogotá’s Lifestyle

Stress Relief in a Busy City

Living in a busy city like Bogotá can be stressful. Many locals are turning to kava to unwind after a long day. Its stress-relief properties make it perfect for those needing a break from the city’s fast pace. Many locals are making kava part of their nightly routine, enjoying its soothing effects.

Expats and Travelers’ Perspective

For expats and travelers, discovering kava in Bogotá is a treat. Many find it a refreshing change from the usual nightlife options. Testimonials from travelers show that kava has made their social experiences in Bogotá memorable.

Community and Events

Kava-Related Events in Bogotá

Bogotá’s kava community is lively, with regular meet-ups and social events. These events, often hosted by kava bars, include kava tastings, educational talks about kava’s history and benefits, and themed nights with music and dance.

Growing Community

Online groups and forums for kava fans in Bogotá are growing, helping people connect and share their experiences. Influencers and important figures in the kava scene are helping promote the drink and raise awareness about its benefits.


The rise of kava culture in Bogotá is adding a new dimension to the city’s social and nightlife scene. This ancient drink, with its rich history and many benefits, is fitting perfectly into Bogotá’s vibrant culture. For both locals and visitors, exploring the kava scene in Bogotá offers a unique and enriching experience.

Final Call to Action

Ready to dive into the world of kava in Bogotá? Check out the KavaKist website for more articles on kava cultures worldwide. Try some kava yourself and share your experiences with us! Join the KavaKist community to stay updated on kava events and news. Explore, relax, and enjoy the kava craze in Bogotá!


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