Kava at BP America: Transforming Workplace Culture One Sip at a Time

Kava at BP America: Transforming Workplace Culture One Sip at a Time

Introduction to Kava at BP America

Welcome to KavaKist! We love sharing stories and insights about kava, an amazing drink that’s becoming really popular. Matt Warren, who also started Psychedelic Water, has some cool experiences to share about how kava is changing things at BP America.

What is Kava and Why is it Special?

Kava is a plant from the South Pacific that people have enjoyed for hundreds of years. It helps you relax and feel less anxious without getting you drunk like alcohol. Imagine having a drink after a tough day that helps you chill out—no wonder more people are starting to like it.

There used to be worries about kava hurting your liver, but new research shows it’s safe if you don’t overdo it.

Kava Makes Its Way into BP America

So, how did kava get into BP America? It all started with Matt Warren, who loves kava. He remembered feeling nervous the first time he brought it to work: "It was like offering something totally new instead of coffee or tea. But people were excited.”

When kava was introduced, some people were curious, others unsure, but many were genuinely excited. Kava quickly became more than just a trend; it became an important part of the corporate experience, helping to build community and interest.

The Kava Experience at BP America

Setting up a kava bar at BP America was an adventure. We used traditional kava bowls and coconut cups for an authentic feel, but also had modern options for convenience. Employees could try kava root mixed with water or enjoy fun drinks like kava smoothies and teas.

Popular recipes included kava with coconut milk and honey, and kava lemonade, making each session feel like a mini-event where people shared stories and relaxed together.

Benefits of Kava in the Workplace

Kava had a big impact at BP America. Employees said they could focus better and get more done, probably because kava helps you relax. It also made the workplace feel calmer, lowering stress levels.

One of the best things was how kava helped everyone feel more connected. Sharing kava turned breaks into bonding moments, building stronger relationships among co-workers.

Personal Stories from BP America Employees

The real magic is in the personal stories. One employee said their first kava experience helped them meet tight deadlines without the usual anxiety. Another said kava events became the highlight of their week, providing a nice break from work.

From casual kava get-togethers to planned events, kava has added a new layer of fun and camaraderie to the office culture.

Why Kava Could Transform Corporate Culture

Kava can really change corporate environments. Unlike coffee and tea, kava relaxes you without the jittery feeling from caffeine. It’s great for helping you relax and focus, which is especially useful in stressful, fast-paced workplaces.

Adding kava to an office can create a calmer, more connected and productive team. The trend of kava bars in offices is growing fast, and there’s a good reason for that.

Getting Started with Kava in Your Workplace

If you’re interested in bringing kava to your workplace, here are some tips:

  • Set up a kava bar area for the full experience.
  • You’ll need kava root powder, strainers, bowls, and cups, or modern tools like blenders for making smoothies.
  • Choose kava brands that are easy to use and high-quality, especially if you’re a beginner.


The introduction of kava at BP America shows how powerful this ancient root can be. From boosting productivity to creating a more relaxed and connected office, the benefits are clear.

As Matt Warren says, “Kava is more than a drink; it’s a movement.” The story of kava at BP America is just one part of the growing kava trend.

Call to Action

We want to hear your kava stories! Share your experiences in the comments below and join KavaKist’s events to meet other kava fans. For more information about kava, check out our other resources.

This blog shows how kava can make a big difference in workplaces, fostering community and improving productivity and wellness.


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