Relax and Refresh: Crafting the Perfect Kava Kentucky Mule

Relax and Refresh: Crafting the Perfect Kava Kentucky Mule


The Kava Kentucky Mule is a cool new take on an old favorite. It mixes exciting flavors and helps you relax without the hangover that alcohol can cause. At KavaKist, we love sharing kava, a drink that’s been enjoyed in the South Pacific for a long time. We’re excited to show you how to make a Kava Kentucky Mule — a drink that’s both tasty and chill, perfect for any get-together.

What is a Kentucky Mule?

A Kentucky Mule is a fun version of the Moscow Mule. Instead of vodka, it uses bourbon, which is a type of whiskey. This gives it a richer and slightly sweeter taste. Here’s what you need:

  1. Bourbon
  2. Ginger beer
  3. Fresh lime juice

The Kentucky Mule tastes both simple and fancy, making it a hit at parties and bars.

Adding Kava to the Kentucky Mule

Adding kava to the Kentucky Mule brings extra relaxation without making you feel drunk. You can mix some kava with the bourbon or just add it to the drink.

Why Add Kava?

  1. Relax without a hangover
  2. Makes the drink even more chill
  3. A fun new way to enjoy a classic cocktail

Ingredients Needed

To make your own Kava Kentucky Mule, you’ll need:

  1. Kava (powdered or liquid)
  2. Bourbon
  3. Ginger beer
  4. Fresh lime juice
  5. Ice
  6. Mint leaves (for garnish)
  7. Lime slice (for garnish)
  8. Copper mug (for the real feel)

How to Make It

Getting the Kava Ready

If you have kava powder, mix it with water as the package says. If you have kava concentrate, measure out the right amount.

Making the Mule

  1. Fill a copper mug or glass with ice.
  2. Add two ounces of bourbon.
  3. Pour in four ounces of ginger beer.
  4. Squeeze in the juice of half a lime.

Adding the Kava

Add the prepared kava to the mix. Stir it well so everything blends together.


Top your drink with mint leaves and a lime slice to make it look nice.

Matt Warren’s Kava Mule Story

Matt Warren, who helped start Psychedelic Water, loves kava in cocktails. “I tried adding kava to a Kentucky Mule at a party, and everyone loved it. It made for a super relaxed but fun time. My friends wanted the recipe the next day,” he says.

Matt’s Tips:

  • Use a little kava at first to see how people like it.
  • Choose a good bourbon that goes well with the ginger beer and lime.

Why Try the Kava Kentucky Mule?

Health Benefits

  • Natural relaxation: Kava helps reduce stress.
  • Great alternative: You can enjoy a drink without feeling too heavy.

Social Benefits

  • Conversation starter: It’s a drink that catches people’s interest.
  • Perfect for parties: Easy to make and share so everyone can have fun.

Tips for a Great Kava Mule

  • Best kava: Get high-quality kava for the best results.
  • Right bourbon: A middle-priced bourbon usually works best.
  • Balance flavors: Adjust lime juice and ginger beer to get the taste just right.
  • Make in bulk: Mix a big batch of kava if you’re having lots of guests. Let them add bourbon, ginger beer, and lime to their liking.


The Kava Kentucky Mule is a must-try for cocktail lovers and kava fans. It’s a relaxing and refreshing drink, great for chilling out or having fun with friends. Give this recipe a try and share your experience with us!

Share Your Stories

Have you tried the Kava Kentucky Mule? Tell us your story! We might feature your feedback in a future post.

More to Read

  • Other kava cocktail recipes
  • Learn more about kava
    • The Complete Guide to Kava
  • Blog posts on kava’s cultural significance and health benefits

So, gather your ingredients and get ready to enjoy a Kava Kentucky Mule. Cheers to new experiences and good vibes! 🥂


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