Unlock Relaxation: The Ultimate Kava Harvey Wallbanger Recipe

Unlock Relaxation: The Ultimate Kava Harvey Wallbanger Recipe


Welcome to KavaKist! We want to help everyone enjoy kava, a drink that helps you relax. Today, we’re excited to share a recipe for a fun kava-based cocktail, the Kava Harvey Wallbanger. It’s a cool twist on a classic drink that will help you relax and enjoy great flavors.

What is a Kava Harvey Wallbanger?

The Harvey Wallbanger is a famous cocktail usually made with vodka, Galliano (a sweet herbal liqueur), and orange juice. It’s known for its tasty and smooth finish. But what if we add kava to it?

Kava comes from a root and is known for helping people relax without making them feel drunk or dizzy. By mixing kava with the Harvey Wallbanger, we create a drink that has the delicious flavors of the original and the calming effects of kava.

Ingredients & Tools


  • Kava concentrate or prepared kava
  • Vodka
  • Galliano (herbal liqueur)
  • Orange juice
  • Ice


  • Shaker
  • Strainer
  • Highball glass

Step-by-Step Preparation

1. Preparing the Kava for Your Kava Harvey Wallbanger

First, we need to prepare the kava. You can use kava root powder or a kava concentrate.

If you’re using kava root powder:

  1. Measure the kava powder.
  2. Mix it with water in a bowl.
  3. Knead and strain the mixture to get out the kava liquid.

If you’re using a kava concentrate:

  1. Follow the instructions on the package.

2. Mixing the Kava Harvey Wallbanger

Now, let’s make the drink:

  1. Fill your shaker with ice.
  2. Add 2 ounces of vodka.
  3. Pour in 1 ounce of Galliano.
  4. Add 4 ounces of orange juice.
  5. Pour in 2 ounces of prepared kava.
  6. Shake well until all ingredients are mixed and cold.
  7. Strain the mixture into a highball glass filled with ice.

3. Final Touch

To make it look nice, add a slice of orange and a cherry on top. This makes the drink colorful and tasty.

Why Choose a Kava Harvey Wallbanger?

A Unique Twist

Mixing kava with a classic cocktail makes a special drink. You get the fun of a cocktail and the calming effects of kava.

Flavor Profile

The mix of kava, vodka, Galliano, and orange juice makes a balanced flavor. The earthy taste of kava goes well with the sweet and citrusy notes of the drink.

Perfect for Social Gatherings

The Kava Harvey Wallbanger is great for parties and hanging out with friends. It’s a fun conversation starter and a way to introduce kava to others.

Personal Anecdote: Matt Warren’s Take

Matt Warren, co-founder of Psychedelic Water, loves making creative kava drinks. “The Kava Harvey Wallbanger is a crowd favorite at our parties,” says Matt. “It’s a perfect blend of a classic cocktail and the relaxing benefits of kava. Every time I serve it, people love it!”

Tips for the Perfect Kava Harvey Wallbanger

  • Best kava strains: Look for kava that has a mild flavor and good relaxing effects, like Borogu or Samoan.
  • Balancing the flavors: Adjust the kava amount to keep its taste balanced with the sweetness of orange juice and the herbal notes of Galliano.
  • Storage tips: Keep your kava in a cool, dry place and your juices in the fridge to stay fresh.

Kava Harvey Wallbanger Variations

  • Adding tropical fruits: Try adding pineapple or mango juice for a tropical flavor.
  • Different liqueurs: You can use other herbal liqueurs like Strega or Benevolio instead of Galliano.
  • Non-alcoholic version: Skip the vodka. Add more orange juice and kava for a refreshing, alcohol-free drink.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use any kava for the cocktail?
It’s best to use a drinkable kava concentrate or a strain with a mild flavor to keep the drink tasty.

What’s the best way to serve a Kava Harvey Wallbanger?
Serve it cold in a highball glass with a lot of ice and a fresh garnish.

How should the kava be prepared for this drink?
Prepare the kava as you normally would. Make sure it’s well-strained to avoid any bits.


The Kava Harvey Wallbanger is a cool and relaxing twist on a classic cocktail. Give it a try at home and share your experience with the KavaKist community. It’s a fun way to explore kava and impress your friends with a new drink.

Call to Action

Subscribe to the KavaKist newsletter for more recipes and updates. Follow us on social media and share your Kava Harvey Wallbanger creations with #KavaKist. Cheers to new adventures in the world of kava!

Keywords used:

  1. Kava Harvey Wallbanger
  2. kava-based cocktails
  3. kava concentrate
  4. traditional cocktail
  5. relaxing properties of kava


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