Unlocking Potent Relaxation: The Ultimate Guide to Double Shot Kava

Unlocking Potent Relaxation: The Ultimate Guide to Double Shot Kava

What is Double Shot Kava?

At KavaKist, we’re all about spreading the joys of kava far and wide. But if you’re looking for a more concentrated and potent kava experience, “Double Shot Kava” is a term you’ll want to acquaint yourself with. Essentially, double shot kava refers to a serving size that is twice the potency of a standard kava drink. For the kava connoisseur, or even the curious newcomer, double shot kava offers a quick and effective way to feel the soothing benefits that kava promises.

Why Choose Double Shot Kava?

A Quick, Powerful Kava Effect

If you’ve tried kava before and found the effects subtle, double shot kava might be the perfect next step. With double the kavalactones – the active compounds responsible for the relaxing effects – you’ll experience a potent wave of calm much faster. This stronger hit can be ideal for those needing quicker relief from stress or a more immediate entry into relaxation.

Convenience and Efficiency

Doubling up on your kava intake in a single shot can be a game-changer for those with a busy lifestyle. Imagine coming home after a hectic day: instead of having multiple servings to unwind, one double shot can get you to that serene state much faster and with less preparation.

How to Prepare Double Shot Kava

Preparing double shot kava is quite similar to how you’d prepare a regular cup, but with a few key differences to ensure you get the desired potency.

Ingredients Needed

  • Kava root powder (or concentrate)
  • Water
  • Strainer or muslin cloth
  • Blender (optional)


  1. Measure Double the Kava: If your usual recipe calls for one tablespoon of kava root powder, you’ll use two tablespoons for a double shot.

  2. Blend or Knead: Mix your kava with water in a blender or knead it manually using a strainer or muslin cloth. For best potency, blend for a good 3-5 minutes.

  3. Strain Twice: Given the extra amount of kava, ensure that you strain your mixture well to remove any excess plant material, achieving a smoother drink.

  4. Enjoy Immediately: The fresher your kava, the more effective it will be. So, grab your favorite cup, pour the double shot, and enjoy.

Personal Experience with Double Shot Kava

Matt Warren, co-founder of the popular kava beverage brand Psychedelic Water, recalls his first experience with a double shot of kava.

"I remember my first double shot kava experience vividly. I was skeptical at first, thinking that maybe it would be too much. But almost instantly, I felt a wave of calm wash over me, melting away the stress of the day in a matter of minutes. It was a revelation – a game changer in how I approached my kava use. It’s perfect for those moments when you need immediate zen."

Best Practices for Consuming Double Shot Kava

While double shot kava is great for a stronger relaxation effect, it’s essential to use it responsibly.

Dosage and Timing

Since double shot kava is more concentrated, it’s vital not to overdo it. Stick to one double shot per session and allow time for the effects to set in before considering more. It’s a perfect evening ritual, helping you transition into night-time relaxation.

Understand Your Tolerance

Every individual’s tolerance to kava is different. If you’re new to kava or trying a stronger dose for the first time, start with a half portion of double shot to see how your body reacts before consuming the entire serving.

Conclusion: Is Double Shot Kava Right for You?

Whether you’re a kava enthusiast or a newbie looking for a more efficient way to relax, double shot kava can be an exciting and effective way to experience the benefits of this remarkable plant. At KavaKist, we believe in the transformative power of kava, and with double shot kava, you can experience this in a more concentrated form.

Explore our range of kava products on KavaKist and start your journey towards a more relaxed, serene you. Cheers to finding your perfect zen!


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